This 52 foot Douglas Fir was brought to Canaimas Park of Caracas by Egan Acres Tree Farm from New York to Caracus, Venezuela by cargo plane in 1998. The tree was then lowered by a crane through the ceiling of the Telcel building. Part of the glass ceiling had been removed to prepare for the Tree. This Douglas Fir was placed and decorated in the center hallway by Egan Acres Tree Farm staff. Egan Acres Tree Farm workers were accompanied to Venezuela by John Loiacono and his son Joseph Loiacono, coordinators of the electrical operation.
7 Thousand Stars in Telcels Sky
There are 7 thousand colored lights beginning on December 4th that will light our path in virtue of the hope of Christmas. There are precisely 7,000 lights that will glow with the power of 45 thousand volts that decorate Telcels Christmas tree.
The tree is 16 meters (52 ft.) in height, 10 meters (32 ft) in width and 4 tons in weight. It also was decorated with 500 Christmas ornament balls, 500 bows and the beautiful star of Bethlehem at its top. By presenting this tree we extend our best wishes to you during 1999 and the next millenium.
[WPSM_AC_SH id=121]This project was completed by John Egan and his sons. The first image shows the process of transportation of large Christmas trees by airplane. The photos below illustrate the process of lowering the 52′ tree by crane though the ceiling.